Time is running out for Borough residents to apply for postal and proxy votes for this year’s local Borough and Surrey’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) elections, taking place on Thursday 5 May 2016.
Eligible voters, who wish to apply for a postal vote, have until 5pm, Tuesday 19 April 2016 to return their application for a postal vote.
Alternatively, eligible voters who would prefer to nominate someone to vote on their behalf, can arrange for a proxy vote. The deadline to nominate a proxy is 5pm, Tuesday, 26 April 2016.
More information, including how to download the application forms, can be found on the Council’s website at www.woking.gov.uk/postalandproxyvotes. Alternatively, contact Electoral Services on 01483 755855 or email elections@woking.gov.uk
Full information about the Borough’s elections can be found at www.woking.gov.uk/elections2016