Sunny Angel, a name, if anything can, that blesses the holder with sunshine and divine protection and shows not a trace of the horror and pain suffered and documented in her new book Wings. Suffered and documented, not just as a brutal list or account to be pored over and wondered at but as a drive to turn that darkness into a light that shines a path for others to get out of whatever despicable prison of abuse they find themselves in. So she went back into all of that, relived it to have something that helped others make sure their despicable story ends and they move into strength.
So Sunny and I came into contact via our venue project, she saw we were fundraising and saw a post from local musician Lisa VonH who offered to write a song for anyone that made a donation to our fund. They met and her story came to light, the songs written and the book signed off and ready and from there we heard her story and knew that it needed to be heard no matter what it triggers in the hearing. You can listen again here to this amazing lady
Domestic abuse is a serious issue – the type that leaves bruises and scars and the type that shows nothing except vacant stares and vague answers from hearts and brains so scarred from psychological onslaught often with willing aides in form of friends and family who know no better and can’t see a broken heart or beyond what appears to be a reasonable charming demeanour. The realisation of this behaviour and its far reaching damage across generations is high amongst professionals and yet still, even with the laws on coercive control recognising it’s impact (but not necessarily the access to legal aid and support to enforce it), is something where eyes go blind and no risk taken to give credence to what appears to be the mad human that acts odd and depressed, giving credence to the story about their madness. Mrs Rochester is still in the attic and no one can hear her chains.
Sunny is committed, and yet still, fearful. To document these life events is still a risk. I remember working with women who wouldn’t even go into a room on their own until you were with them, because any corner turned, any empty room could hold terror. The bravery to get these words not only on paper but in the public domain is immense. As many will say the ultimate freedom that children give you is, the freedom to be brave, and determined; because above all protecting them is the the very thing that does indeed make of us deadly, however to pull them out of the way of the blows rather than stand there and take them for them is still something that needs so much strength and support to make it happen.
There’s support networks listed here- sometimes that first step can take a whole weight off your shoulders
Samaritans – free call 116 123
Female of The Species – Space
Town Called Malice – Woking
Trust – Billy Bragg
Holding on To Life – Lisa VonH – especially commissioned for the release of this book
This Woman’s Work – Kate Bush
Tears Of A Clown – The Beat
Strong – JuliaK
Something Inside So Strong – Labi Siffre
Pieces of Me – Lisa VonH
Destruction – Phoenix Chroi
Bitter Sweet Symphony – The Verve
My Special Child – Sinead O’Connor
Beaches – Phoenix Chroi
Dreams – The Cranberries
Read All About It – Emili Sande