Peace, tolerance and human rights are all interlinked. With this in mind we consider the plight of different people and the impacts on us all.
9am – Hilda Brazil is the Gypsy and Traveller representative at Surrey County Council. We discuss attitudes towards those who have a different way of life and culture to the majority. Have things improved for the Gypsy/Traveller community?
10am – Simon Peter Fuller was adopted into this country at the end of WWII. He has spent much of his life travelling and is now resident in Sri Lanka. He is the founder of Wholistic World Vision, a global communications network for planetary transformation through spiritual re-education. Simon Peter was a key note speaker at the Istanbul International Peace Conference on 1st November 2015. We shall consider recent world events. www.wholisticworldvision.org
11am – Heidi Copeman joins us to examine the erosion of human rights, particularly in the UK. What effects might this have on all of us?
Sunday 22nd November
9am – 12noon
The View From From Here 22nd November 2015 by Radio Woking on Mixcloud