Sunday 9th August
9am – 12noon
It is the holiday season and allegedly summer! With that in mind we look at sailing as a sport and longer distance travel all with disabilities in mind.
9.00 – Tom Key Secretary of the Papercourt Sailing Club in Ripley will join us. He will tell us about the club and all the activities as well as their Sailability programme for people with disabilities.
10.00 – SJ from the Jubilee Sailing Trust will be talking about the work of the trust which has tall ships adapted for people with disabilities and a programme which includes round the world trips.
11.00 – Heidi Copeman will relate her experiences of travelling with a disability; from cars to trains and planes and ‘adventures’ in hotels.
Listen Again….
The View From Here Disability Sailing & Travel 9th August 2015 by Radio Woking on Mixcloud