9.00 – ‘The Order Of the Round Table’ is a children’s charity which promotes spiritual ethics through the symbology of the fables of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. We shall learn about their ethos and summer camp. Sharon will introduce Lammas, the Christian ‘feast of the first fruits’ which leads us into the topic of the second hour.
10.00 – Bea Martin will join us to talk about Lughnassa the Gaelic and pagan harvest festival. This is a special time of year, celebrating the fecundity of the earth and also prowess and good health.
11.00 – Paul Knytl is coming into the studio to explain his research on meditation. He is conducting this at Surrey University and hopes that the outcomes will prove useful in the treatment of conditions such as Parkinson’s. Sharon has participated in the research and will be commenting on the experience.
Sunday 2nd August
9am – 12noon