Sunday 24th May
9am – 12noon
9am – Mark Letcher Director of Climate Works tells us about Operation Noah and Bright Now. Both of these projects are major initiatives undertaken by the Church of England to inform and educate Christians about climate change. Bright now is directly working towards fossil free Churches and the divestment of Church of England funds in fossil fuels.
www.operationnoah.org www.brightnow.org.uk
10am – Sharon visits the World Wildlife Fund headquarters in Woking. Aimee Kobilis building marketing events manager gives Sharon a tour of the building. Charlotte Bagg encourages us to Wear It Wild on Friday 5th June to promote awareness of the plight of so many species. Emma Pinchbeck is Head of Climate and Energy Policy for WWF-UK. Emma tells us about the Climate Coalition Parliamentary Lobbying event in London on 17th June. She explains how to participate and why this is a key moment to act on climate issues.
www.wwf.org.uk www.wwf.org.uk/wearitwild www.wwf.org.uk/livingplanetcentre
11am – Sylvia Bryden-Stock (Tuesday evening presenter) joins us to speak about her experiences supporting her husband through the journey of early onset dementia. Sylvia featured on The View From Here in January. Her latest book “The Rocky Road of Naughty Neurones” is about to be published. Sylvia updates us on the traumas and coping tactics she uses.