With it having been St. George’s Day and Shakespeare’s birthday this week we take a look at our heritage and also the creative power of the mind.
9.00 Lynn Szygenda from Guildford Museum joins us to explore the ‘What’s In Store’ exhibition celebrating the museum’s collection of objects from around 500,000BC to the modern day. The exhibition runs from 23rd March – 18th July and entry is free.
10.00 Vali Drummond talks to us about the importance of “Harnessing the Mind” in order to get the best out of life.
11.00 Brian Smith will give us a rounded view of the philosophy contained within the works of Shakespeare, arguably Britain’s finest poet and playwright.
Sunday 26th April
9am – 12noon
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The View From Here 26th April 2015 by Radio Woking on Mixcloud