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Would YOU like to take part in a WORLD RECORD ATTEMPT?
It will allow you to help children in need through PROJECT 10™ Kids, as with every 10lbs built or lost, 30 meals will be donated to children. After your challenge is completed, you get entered to win £600. Plus would you like to get your kit for FREE? Simply get 3 friends to do it with you. For me it was a no brainer!
Vi is now on a mission to get the world moving in 2015. That’s why we’re challenging YOU to kick off your New Year’s health resolutions and help us set the world record for the World’s Largest Simultaneous Group Workout.
Just by showing up, you’re making a difference. For every 1 person who participates, Vi will donate 30 meals via PROJECT 10™ Kids to help a child on the road to better nutrition. I have a personal goal of sending 1350 meals to the children. Can I count on you to be one of my 45 friends that show up? You are really important in helping our group hit the goal!
EVERYBODY! Come on out and bring a friend, or three… We’re trying to set a World Record, after all!
ANYONE can take part! The group workouts range from light activities such as walking, to jogging, to a session at CrossFit Camberley.
Come meet people near you and taste some Vi product at CrossFit Camberley on January 3rd, 2015, 12 noon. Be a part of history, get moving, and have fun doing it!
Start your 2015 in record-setting fashion at the World’s Largest Group Workout! Are you up for The Challenge?
Show up wearing your workout gear, ready for a good time. If you want a better shot at making the official World Record highlight video, rock some Vi Gear.
Informative Video about the world record:
Address: Cross Fit Camberley
White Hart Industrial Estate
London Road
GU17 9AD
Contact information: Rhys Bernard
Email- rhys.bernard@outlook.com
Phone- 07990574460
Feel free to add me on Facebook as well – https://www.facebook.com
I first heard about this new Challenge about a month ago and wanted to find out more. I was directed to a website like this one http://rbfitness.bodybyvi.com.
For more information check out Rhys Bernard on Radio Woking last week, where he discusses the event. >Click Here<