Sunday Show Tunes August 28th Show Recap

This week’s show was quite exciting as it was LIVE from The Theatre Cafe in London! It was both exhilarating and terrifying as Paul and Mike had actual, live people watching them put the show on. I am sure everyone at The Theatre Cafe enjoyed watching the magic happen right before them. And by magic I mean Paul fangirl over interviewing Robert Sherman, Jessica Martin, and Sam Lupton. 

 Both Robert Sherman and Jessica Martin stopped by the cafe in the first hour and had a chat with Paul and Mike! Robert Sherman is the amazing author, composer, and lyricist of Bumblescratch; which Jessica is starring in next Sunday in the concert performance at the Adelphi Theatre. 

 Throughout the show we took plenty of song requests, which made for an exciting show because no song was like the other. Gemma Hirst happened to request one of my favorite songs, Taylor the Latte Boy. A song by Marcy Heisler and Zina Goldrich. The song was written based on an experience they both had with a Starbucks barista and is most famously sung by the incredible Kristen Chenoweth on her studio album, As I Am, released in 2005. 

 It was incredible to speak with Robert Sherman, who comes from quite a famous family. His father, Robert B. Sherman of the Sherman Brothers, was an American songwriter, best known for songs in musical motion films like Mary Poppins and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. His most famous song being It’s A Small World (After All). But enough about Robert Sherman’s father as he has a lot of musical chops on his own! 

 In our second hour we spoke with Sam Lupton who after playing Boq in Wicked for the past 3 years has just embarked in the UK tour of Little Shop of Horrors, playing Seymour. Little Shop of Horrors will be touring throughout the UK and you can pick up your tickets and find out more information here


If you have the urge to listen yourself, use the playback below!

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