Guildford & Woking Humanists are pleased to announce their May speaker


28th March, 2016

Guildford & Woking Humanists are pleased to announce their May speaker, Bob Churchill, from The International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU)

Title: Your Humanism is a Thought Crime
Around the world the non-religious are discriminated against by government-backed religious privilege, laws prohibiting advocacy of human rights or criticism of religion, even the outright persecution of atheism, humanism and secularism. In 13 countries you can be put to death for “leaving” your presumed religion. Bob Churchill is the editor of the IHEU Freedom of Thought Report, an annual analysis of the violations of freedom against non-religious people globally. He will outline the basis for “freedom of thought and expression” and show how humanists are working globally to defend these freedoms.

Bob Churchill is Director of Communications for the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), having previously worked at both the British Humanist Association and the Uganda Humanist Association. He studied philosophy at the University of Warwick and Queen’s University, Canada, and has long-standing interests in secularism, humanism, ethics and epistemology. He has appeared as a spokesperson on the likes of BBC News, Channel 4 News and Al Jazeera and as a speaker at Skepticon, the Institute of Fundraising Technology, the Conway Hall Ethical Society, and the European Humanist Youth Days. He tweets @bobchurchill.

When: The talk will take place on Tuesday 10th May, 2016, at 7.30pm, and will be followed by questions and discussion. There is a refreshments interval at 8.30.
Venue: The Guildford Institute in Ward Street, Guildford, GU1 4LH.


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Guildford & Woking Humanists

Guildford, GB
150 Humanists

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